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Hydraulic drilling fluid pump is designed to highest performance in all kinds of drilling duties. Small and compact size of pump derives from technical design. The operation principle of DYNASET HDF drilling fluid pump is based on a linear reversal movement of hydraulic piston, when the pump doesn’t include any rotating parts.
Reliable unit with long service life Heavy-duty pistons with abrasion-resistant coating as well as self-lubricated seals and high quality poppet valves run over thousand hours ensuring low operating and maintenance costs.
Compact and powerful Designed and manufactured in Finland, DYNASET HDF-pump is patented world-wide. Due to its perfect output characteristics and high power/size ratio DYNASET HDF-pump suits perfectly for directional drilling applications.
Easy to use and adjust To put the HDF-pump into operation, just connect the hydraulic and drilling fluid lines to the pumps couplings. No extra lubrication or cooling is needed. Drilling fluid flow and pressure can be easily adjusted linearly by hydraulics.
Drilling fluids Due to the high abrasion and chemical resistance of the HDF-pump, different drilling fluids, such as betonite -water mix, polymer-based fluids and water mixes with foaming agents can be used. Content of solid fraction in drilling fluid can be up to 25%.
Cost effective modules for spraying de-icer – removes ice and prevents icing
Work site dust emission control – with no mess
Grab for RDF ball handling
V-plough with Volvo connection
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