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Compressed Air from Hydraulics Hydraulic compressor transforms the hydraulic power of a work machine effectively to high quality compressed air. The compressor can be installed in almost any working machine. It is easy and simple to use.
Compact and Powerful The power-to-size ratio of the hydraulic compressor is excellent. In most cases, it can replace the old fashioned and clumsy towed compressor unit – with only a fraction of size and weight. Dynaset hydraulic compressor selection includes various models of hydraulic piston compressors (HK), hydraulic rotary vane compressors (HKL) and hydraulic screw compressors (HKR).
Versatile Pressurized Air The compressor produces high quality power for pneumatic tools, external equipment, and is good for air flushing etc. It is also suitable for continuous demanding professional use such as quarrying, mining etc.
Trustworthy Money Saver The trouble free hydraulic compressor starts reliably and needs no extra fuel. It will serve a long time – with far less need for maintenance compared to a towed compressor unit of same power level.
Reliable and easy magnetic lifting with any machine.
Dynaset HSP- hydraulic submersible pumps are designed for fast and efficient pumping of water and other liquids. Thanks to wear-resistant material of the volute and impeller, submersible pumps are the perfect choice for pumping liquids containing solids.
High tipping bucket with Volvo connection, material density up to 0,8 t/m³
Cost effective modules for spraying de-icer – removes ice and prevents icing
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